Growing Leaders at St Kevin's

At St Kevin’s we believe that every student has the ability to show leadership in the way that they serve the community, whether it be helping someone in the playground or leading the cheer at a carnival, whether they are in Prep or Year 6.

Having said this, the more structured opportunities and preparation to be servant leaders begins in Year 5 and continue in Year 6.
Jesus provides the model of servant leadership which we aim to foster in our students as we seek to guide them in developing an understanding of their place in our school community, the broader community and the global community.

12 After Jesus had washed his disciples' feet and had put his outer garment back on, he sat down again. Then he said: Do you understand what I have done?   13 You call me your teacher and Lord, and you should, because that is who I am. 14 And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other.   15 I have set the example, and you should do for each other exactly what I have done for you. 16 I tell you for certain that servants are not greater than their master, and messengers are not greater than the one who sent them.John 13:12-16

By fostering servant leadership here at St Kevin’s, we aim to raise our students’ awareness of the needs of others and develop their attitude of empathy and compassion. Strong leadership can be demonstrated through selfless actions and without the need of a title or the wearing of a badge. 
We aim to foster a leadership culture within all of our students leading them to Year 6, where we provide them with both the support and opportunity to experience and develop their leadership skills and potential even further. 

Here are some of the ways that our Year 6 students are able to build their capacity as leaders in our community:​

​​Peer mediation ​​

​In Year 5 student begin the training to become peer mediators and be rostered on the duty roster in Year 6. Peer mediators are trained to help younger students resolve some of the minor issues that they encounter at play times.

​​Year 6 Leadership Portfolios

​Beginning in 2024, all Year 6 Students nominate a Leadership Portfolio that they would like to participate in for their senior year. Students can choose from: The Technology Team; The Mission Team; The Creative Arts Team; The Library Team; The Civics and Citizenship Team; The Sports Team, Teh Student Wellbeing Team; The Learning Team; The Environment Team. Students work with teacher leaders to implement initiatives throughout the year.​

​​​Senior badges and Leadership badges

​All Year 6 students commit to being role models when they are presented with their Senior Badges at the start of the year. For those students who wish to apply for their Leadership Badges, additional community service requirements are required which will reflect their commitment to servant leadership.  ​

​​Volunteering at Kindy​

​Students are able to volunteer their time before school to help set up the equipment needed at Kindy.​

​​New family tour guides

​All Year 6 students, in pairs, are rostered to provide guided tours around the school for new families. They do so in such a way that it prompts families to regularly provide positive feedback to the leadership team during the enrolment interview that follows the tour.

Assembly leaders

​Year 6 students are rostered on to lead the weekly assembly and to take on a variety of roles before, during and after assembly.​


​Year 5 and Year 6 students link up with a buddy on a regular basis for the entire year, building strong relationships and being role models to the younger students, someone they can look up to.

​​​Buddy reading program​

​Guided by the Primary Learning Leader, Year 6 students volunteer to arrive at school early to be a buddy reader to Prep and Year 1 students who benefit from additional time practising their reading.​

​​​​Social Justice Group 

​Students from Year 3 to Year 6 are able to be members of this group which promotes initiatives that serve and promote the common good.

​Paper recycling and bin monitors​

​Year 6 students assist classes by collecting their paper recycling bins as well as their class bin bags and depositing them into the large skips.

​“​​​​Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – St Teresa of Kolkata